24-Hour Intake Line: 604-298-3454

Dixon House is a ten-bed emergency home for women and their children who are fleeing domestic violence. Women, children, and pets may stay at the transition house for up to 30 days. Dixon House provides a safe and supportive environment where women can access resources including finding alternative accommodation. 

Women receive unconditional support and advocacy 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in a home environment. Dixon House provides women and their children safety, emotional support, parenting support, resource information, networking, advocacy, and crisis counselling. Children’s programs are also available.

Our staff also provide advocacy to assist women with obtaining financial assistance, accessing Multicultural Support Services, obtaining legal assistance, and finding housing. Many former clients keep in touch and regularly visit and access supports and services after their departure. Clients are referred to us from various sources throughout the Greater Vancouver area.

I know I’m safe now, and I never thought I could be. I didn’t even know there was such a thing as a transition house. I used to feel like there was always a shadow everywhere I went, even at home… but now I can breathe.

– Dixon client

We would like to acknowledge the support of the following groups whose support makes our programs a possibility.

BC Housing
Justice Canada

Help make a difference

When you make a donation to Dixon Transition Society you make it possible for women and children to find safety and support so that they can rebuild their lives after violence.

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