If you or someone you know is having thoughts of suicide, call 1-800-784-2433 (1-800-SUICIDE), or call your local crisis centre.

This is not an exhaustive list of resources available for women and children escaping violence. Please contact VictimLinkBC for most up to date and comprehensive list of resources.

BC211 Helpline

BC211 (2-1-1)

bc211 is a Vancouver-based nonprofit organization that specializes in providing information and referral regarding community, government, and social services in BC.

BC Housing

BC Housing (604-433-1711)

BC Housing works in partnership with the private and non-profit sectors, provincial health authorities and ministries, other levels of government and community groups to develop a range of housing options.

Shelter Safe BC


Online resource to help women and their children seeking safety from violence and abuse. The clickable map will serve as a fast resource to connect women with the nearest shelter that can offer safety, hope and support.

VictimLinkBC (1-800-563-0808)

Multi-lingual, confidential, telephone service available 24/7 to provide information and crisis support to all victims of crime.

Spirit of the Children Society (604-524-9113)

An Indigenous non-profit society serving families in the Burnaby, New Westminster, and the Tri-Cities area (Coquitlam, Port Coquitlam, Port Moody). They work to empower and strengthen Indigenous families by providing support and resources through the programs we offer.

Help make a difference

When you make a donation to Dixon Transition Society you make it possible for women and children to find safety and support so that they can rebuild their lives after violence.