
Transition House 24-Hour Intake Line: 604-298-3454
Wenda’s Place Second Stage Housing: 604-298-6046

Counselling Services

Stopping the Violence (STV) Counselling: 604-298-2549
Family Counseling: 604-433-7380

Administration Office

204-2101 Holdom Ave
Burnaby, BC V5B 0A4

Monika Verma
Executive Director
Phone: 604-433-4165

Claire Kalfon
Manager of Operations and Services

Beth Ross
Executive Assistant
Phone: 604-433-4191, Ext. 2005

For general inquiries, monetary donations, and information:
Jessica Ryan
Communications Specialist & Fundraising Liaison
Phone: 604-433-4191, Ext. 2003

Simar Saini
Communication and Development Coordinator

Book us to Speak

Dixon Transition Society would love to come and meet with your team to talk about the causes and impact of violence against womenhow to support your co-workers who may be experiencing violence, and how Dixon makes a difference in the community.

If you are interested in booking us to speak to your team or at an event, please contact the Communications & Development Coordinator using the form below.

In your message, please include information about your organization/event, the dates you are hoping to book, topics you would like us to speak to, and the desired length of the presentation. Feel free to also include any other information you think would be relevant or useful.

Help make a difference

When you make a donation to Dixon Transition Society you make it possible for women and children to find safety and support so that they can rebuild their lives after violence.

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